This weekend I attended the London BarCamp 7 for the first time. I kept on missing these events before, finding out too late what it was all about and that it was on, but this year I was lucky enough to get a ticket (free I might add) from the lottery.
For those who don't know, BarCamp is a great 'unconference', that is, there are no pre-scheduled talks before the conference starts, and after the welcoming talk, people write down a topic to talk about for 20 minutes and assign it to a slot in the massive schedule.
The event was held at the IBM building by London's South Bank,a great building and there were plenty of rooms and more than plenty of talks to attend during the day and into the evening.
What surprised me was the great variety of talks that were available and the different roles within the industry that they were targeted at. All the way from Agile to CSS to Google Wave Demos.
If you can, I strongly suggest that you attend a BarCamp event if there is one near you.
On a side note, Martin Shaw and I run a session on the Pomodoro Technique and I even tried to get people into ColdFusion, but alas there was not much interest (I shall blog more on this in a later post)
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