cf.Objective and Conferences in general

Posted by Mark Drew on code on October 11, 2006

Tagged under cfunited,cfeclipse,coldfusion,ukcfug

Well, looks like MAX will be happening soon, and Jared has just announced that cf.Objective 2007 is a go! All very exciting!!! I would have loved to make it to MAX but I live in London, and Vegas is a tad far away (two trips to the US in one year is far to expensive!) but I am really looking forward to next year, hopefully I shall be able to make it to a couple of conferences out there.

But lets not forget that in November we have CFDevCon happening here in the UK! Finally a conference here in the UK, alebeit a small one but its a start at least!

Let me know if you are coming to CFDevCon, I shall be speaking (just for an hour, not my usual marathon 2 hours) showing some features of CFEclipse that people might not know.

On that note, tonight I shall be speaking at the Thames Valley CFUG and showing some of the new features of CFEclipse, come along!

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