Hello Internet! It gives me great pleasure to announce the start of my new company: CMD
I have been thinking for a long time about the current consultancy market and a segments that I wanted to aim for in with this venture and I am proud to announce the opening of CMD.
CMD is a company that is focused in three areas:
Develop • Deploy • Deliver
CMD helps businesses develop great web and mobile applications using the best of breed technologies. We also focus on the deployment of these applications, be it in the cloud, in locally hosted environments or in other hosting environments to enable the smooth delivery of services and great a great experience for your clients.
The other side of the company is dedicated to developing some best of breed solutions for the developer market. As cryptic as that is at the moment; I hope in the next few months I can share with you some of the great things we are cooking up!
If you would like to find out more, have an idea for a project in which we can help why not head over to http://charliemikedelta.com and contact us?
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