I shall be presenting the topic "CFML Mythbusters" at a couple of conferences this year so far (cf.Objective and OpenCF Summit)!
So that you just don't have to hear about my chosen "myths" I thought I would open it up as a competition to all the readers of my blog!
I shall be answering a lot of questions already, but would like to get some reader suggestions, for example, here are just some of the few I have (sent in by some very honorable people I have to say!):
- “CFScript is always faster! ?Even when using for loops!” - Alfred Einstein
- “Inline IF’s are much better than <CFIF>. I will stake my stake on it” - Abraham Van Helsing
- “Is isDefined() bad?” - Abe Simpson
- “<cfoutput>#Item#</cfoutput> is the only way to go” - Mohandas Gandhi
Of course, it wouldn't be any kind of competition if you didn't win anything! So what's the prize I hear you ask?
- First place gets a physical, signed copy of my book, Railo 3: Beginners Guide, their question answered in the presentation (obiously) and my blog, the question dedicated to them and a big shout out when I cover their question EACH time I present it. WOW!
- Two second places also get their question answered in the presentation, another shout out, and an electronic version of Railo 3: Beginners Guide
- The third place ALSO gets their question answered in the presentation and this blog, and a shout out
I shall be drawing the results at the end of January 2012 so get your thinking hats on and then submit your Myths to be Busted!
EDIT: You can submit multiple suggestions!
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