If you are heading to London on the 24th and 25th of May for the awesome Scotch on the Rocks conference you might also want to know that for the rest of the week there will be a post conference training in the Coldbox Framework.
Not only is ColdBox an awesome framework, but the training will be done by the framework's author, Luis Majano! This is a great opportunity to get up to speed and even become an expert on the framework (I have seen Luis train and this really is a fantastic opportunity!)
Not only can you sign up for this training, but after a bit of arm twisting and smooth talking, I have managed to get an awesome discount for you to sign up for this class. Just follow the following link to get your discount! http://coldbox-uk.eventbrite.com/?discount=mdUKLives
No, no need to thank me, just sign up and expand your framework knowledge!
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