Help Fix CFEclipse

Posted by Mark Drew on code on October 17, 2006

Tagged under cfeclipse

Yep, I have been asked many times how people that dont have any Java experience can help with the development of CFEclipse.

Well, here is a quick one for you, only knowledge of RegEx (which I have none) is required.

There is a bug in at the moment which is very annoying, if you have a statement like:

<cfif ListGetAt(i,1,"=") neq "errorType">

</cfif> </code>

CFEclipse reports an error that an attribute is not there. This is because the RegEx to find attributes in a tag is not working correctly, so if you can find a solution to this bug, you will be helping heaps!

The RegEx should be able to cope with attributes though:


Just so you know, the actual reg ex is: \s*(\w*)\s*=\s*('[^']*'|"[^"]*")

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