Following on from a post that Visual Studio has an Achievements Plugin (very funny if you play on the XBox, Steam or PS3) I was just thinking what Achievements could we unlock if we had a plugin for CFEclipse (or CFBuilder) whilst coding CFML?
I love some of the ones mentioned here:
As a starter for 10, here would be the ones I would add (and any sugestions welcome!)
- Big Boy Pants: Finally created a CFC
- If you build it, they will come: Created a build.xml ant file
- Sign o' the Times: renamed an Application.cfm to Application.cfc
- So Close!: Created a CFC with more than 20 functions
- Confusious Say!: Created a function with more than 10 arguments
- "Where? What??": Have an include with lots of variables that come from "nowhere" (are set in the caller)
(EDIT:And now for some reader contributions:)
- The Over Clocker: 40+ hours in the IDE in a week
- The Mole: 50+ hours in the IDE in a week
- UberCoder: 60+ hours...
- The Hacker: 70+ hours!
- The Lawyer: 80+ hours!!!
- "Scriptaculous!": Create all your CFCs using cfscript syntax without using any tags at all.
- "The Butler did it": Hook up a continuous integration server to run all your unit tests.
- "Lethal Injection? Bring it on!" Use <cfqueryparam> in all your database queries.
- "Var she blows!": Make sure you var all your local variables before you use them.
- "Digging Deeper":Call at least one underlying java method directly from within coldfusion.
- "To infinity and beyond!": Created an infinite loop.
- "Manual-Complete" : Write a template over a set length without using auto-complete once.
- "Hey Beavis, he wants to see your unit!" : Ran unit tests
- "Old school": Use any deprecated language feature.
- "Everyone isn't created equal": Use == and eq in the same file.
- "....and then?": Use && and "and" in the same file.
- "..or you'll do what?": Use || and "or" in the same file.
And now for some Arnie based ones:
- "Stick around" - Use sleep().
- "Who is your daddy and what does he do?" - Use CFlogin
- "Consider that a divorce!" - First use of CFAbort
- "I'm a cop you idiot!" - CFlocation tag with a 401 status code.
And back to some community based ones:
- "If you build it, they will come (Corfield of Dreams)" - Make use of FW/1
- "Big Ben" - Found Ben Nadel formatted comments.
- "Use the Forge Luke!" - Found a Riaforge project.
- "You say Rail-o, I say Rhylo, Let's call the whole thing off!" - Railo exclusive code found.
- "01000100011101010110010001100101" - Use bitwise operators.
- "Lost in space" - More than 10 CFC's without output="false".
- "You're a bad mother BEEP" - Detect use of Chr(8)
- "Chuck Norris" - All achievements earned
- "Evil Dead, Chainsaw" - Detected use of Groovy (CFGroovy).
- "Mezcal, not Tequila" - Bug found at the bottom of your file.
- "Go Duplicate(your.self)!" - Copied, pasted and then saved without changing.
- "You want the truth!?" - If statement containing >= 20 logic operators.
- "At least open a window!" - 10 or more CFDump / WriteDump in a single file.
- "Toilet break" - first use of cflog
- "Getting rid of the evidence": first use of CFFlush
- "Laxatives?" - Several uses of CFFlush in a single file.
- "Dr. Strangelove": first use of ORM.
What would you add that is CFML specific?
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